梦见Dream Dictionary:G字开头

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Dream Dictionary:G字开头


Dream Dictionary:G字开头

Gambling Vain hopes. Reward.Hope of recognition.
Garage Storage. Protection
Garbage Cleaning and clearingup. Ready to get rid of something.
Garden Big happiness. Innerself .Suitable time to pursue love affairs.
Gate Opening or closure ofsomething.
Ghost Spiritual aspect ofself. Memory. Past coming back. Beware of enemies.
Gift Recognition.Acknowledgment. Honor. Success and good luck.
Girl Learning to bereceptive. Happiness and tranquility.
God Intense enjoyment.Divine masculine. Creation. High ambitions.
Gold Splendor. Treasure.Ultimate value .Approaching money. High honors.
Government Administrativeregulation. Feeling controlled.
Grandparent Gentle authority.Kindness. Seeking support and shelter. Inheritance.
Groom Masculine activity andenergy. Ready to commit.
Guiltor Guilty Endurance. Tribulation.Treason. Judgement. Ready to forgive or be forgiven.
Gun Violence. Aggression.Threat. Danger ahead.
Gypsy Prone to change yourmind very often.

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